Nourishing Things & Humble Beginnings

A hand pinching or thinning seedlings from a cell tray full of soil.

Nourishing things”. Is this phrase a verb by nature, or a noun? YES. (Yes to both.)

To start small - like a seed - and plant yourself in good, fine soil is where it all begins. It doesn’t seem magnificent on the surface. Just a humble gesture of committing to belonging somewhere, of giving yourself the time and space and substance that you really need to grow fully into who and what you are.

Then you nourish yourself in modest, sustainable ways - sometimes independently, sometimes with the help of others - and through that growth you become something and someone that can nourish others. And that nourishment in turn re-nourishes you.

Slow growth is strong, sustainable growth. If you’re a gardener, you know this well. Try starting seeds with unnaturally strong fertilizers, and with grow lights hung high above the soil. If the fertilizer doesn’t burn your tender seedlings, their attempts to reach a too-high “sun” too quickly will make them spindly, fragile things. Whether or not they survive in the garden - much less produce abundant flowers and food - is kind of a crapshoot.

Growing into the fullness of who we are takes time if we do it right. And it doesn’t happen in glamorous, performative, bombastic ways. It’s often slow, humble, and quiet - and that’s more than ok. It takes all of the substance and energy we have within us - just like the power inside the seed - but we still can’t do it without the help of outside forces to help nourish us.

This is the beautiful, humble idea behind The Modest Adventure Co. To slow down, put down roots, be open to nourishing forces, to look for small ways to nourish others and the environment around us. To find - and create - things and moments and memories that will allow us to say, “My life is abundant with adventure on an authentic human scale.”